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Homemade Roach Spray (Good for Ants and Other Bugs Too)



  • 2 cups of vinegar, distilled
  • 2 cups of water
  • 3 tablespoon dishwashing liquid
  • 3 tablespoons table salt
  • Spray Bottle


  1. Mix ingredients together, add to a spray bottle.
  2. Shake well before spraying each time.

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To INTENSIFY this solution:

If you have larger roaches to deal with, eliminate the water in the solution above and replace with additional vinegar. This means the solution will contain 4 cups of vinegar, 3 tbsp dawn, 3 tbsp salt. I have used it on small roaches and it kills them instantly.

Remember to check out chemistrycachet.com for more science based tips! 🙂