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8 Easy Yoga Poses to Help Relieve Sciatica and Lower Back Pain In 30 Minutes

Here are the top 8 yoga poses that will help you relieve sciatica nerve pain:

  1. The Standing Back Twist

Begin by placing your foot up on a chair, while keeping the back of your opposite hand on the knee.

The other hand has to go on your hip. Start turning your body by staying firm in the hips and hold posture for thirty seconds. Switch sides and make sure not to push it if there’s a pain.

  1. The Knee Raise



Start flat on your back and raise one knee to your chest, while expending the other leg straight. Shoulders need to be glued to the floor, while you’re pushing with your knee.

  1. The Two Knee Twist

Start by lying flat on your back, Spread arms until you form a “T.” Shoulders need to stay on the ground, while you begin turning both knees on one side, to the middle and then to the other.

  1. The Single Knee Twist

Begin by lying on your back. Extend one leg straight, while bending the other knee in a 90° angle. Place the opposite hand on the bent knee and turn face towards the resting arm. Shoulders need to remain on the floor.

  1. The Twisted Lunge

This is true hip opener, so don’t get upset if you don’t nail it on the first try. Step with one leg forward, while bending it at the knee. Keep the other leg behind you. Turn your back and place opposite elbow on the outside of the bent knee. Bring palms together and lock posture for thirty seconds.

      6. The Seated Twist

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