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25-Year-Old Mom Drops Dead. Family Opens Her Kitchen Cabinets, Knows Exactly What Killed Her

According to her mother, her daughter had begun to feel strange and was complaining of fatigue this past June. Most bodybuilders are typically able to handle the amounts of protein that she was consuming without experiencing any severe issues over the short term or even the long haul, but unfortunately, Meegan’s disorder was not properly diagnosed until after she had already passed away.

The health supplement industry is not always regulated in the same manner that other industries are and the onus is placed on the consumer to make the right choices. Meegan’s family has now started a campaign to increase awareness when it comes to these supplements and thanks to this movement, bodybuilders and workout fanatics will one day be able to enjoy a safer environment.

Urea cycle disorder is a silent killer and this story needs to be shared with as wide of an audience as possible, so that stories like Meegan’s are the exception and not the norm. If you have friends or loved ones who rely on protein supplements in order to reach their physical peak, please don’t be shy about passing this story along. You just might end up saving a life in the process.