If you are someone who works out on a regular basis or you know someone who does, you are probably well aware of the growing ubiquity of fitness supplements and protein shakes. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to sculpt yourself into the person you want to be from a fitness standpoint, those who try to be healthy often end up placing themselves in a position where they are actually compromising their safety.
Meegan passed away from a protein overdose and most tragically of all, she left behind two children. When her family searched her kitchen cabinets, they found several protein supplements and a link between these supplements and her death was immediately established. The protein itself is not what killed her, but she was stricken with a rare genetic disorder that kept from processing it.
Urea Cycle Disorder kept her body from being able to process the nitrogenous compounds from protein and while she continued to drink protein shakes on a regular basis, she had no idea about the damage that they were doing to her body. She did not know that she was suffering from the disorder and had no idea that her consumption was irresponsible.
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