Home > Health > Your Kitchen Will Smell Amazing And Keep Flies Away, You Have No Idea How Easy This Trick Will Change Your Life

Your Kitchen Will Smell Amazing And Keep Flies Away, You Have No Idea How Easy This Trick Will Change Your Life

We all know that the kitchen smell is not the easiest thing to eliminate, as all kinds of meals and ingredients leave permanent and strong smells.
For instance, if you love adding garlic or onions to your dishes, you are well aware that everything will smell for a long time afterward, from your hands, to the entire home.
However, this should not concern you, as we will reveal an extremely easy trick that will help you get rid of strong cooking smells, and leave a pleasant and fresh smell.
You will need:
3 tablespoons of essential oil of your choice
A tablespoon of baking soda
3 cups of hot water
An empty spray bottle

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