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Your Earwax Can Tell How Healthy You Are. What Color Is Yours

7. Black or dark brown
Earwax that is dark brown or even black can look pretty scary. But the good news is, there’s no need to worry. The dark color may just be the result of an overproduction of wax (like what happens when we’re stressed). It can also mean that the wax has simply been in the ear longer. When it’s removed, the increased contact with oxygen turns it a darker color.
8. Wet and runny
It’s normal for earwax to come out of our ears from time to time — it’s just part of the natural cleaning process. But when wax pours out of your ears in large amounts and contains pus or blood, it’s a sure sign of a perforated eardrum. In this case, seek medical attention immediately.
9. Bloody wax
Old earwax can sometimes look like dried blood. If you notice this, get medical attention — it could mean that you have a perforated eardrum.
As you can see, earwax comes in a vast array of colors and most of them are completely healthy even if they don’t look it. So the next time you’re cleaning your ears, take a close look at that dirty cotton swab. It might make you cringe, but it’s also a great way to identify a problem and deal with it before it gets serious!