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This is Used by all Women, and it Doubles the Risk of Ovarian Cancer

By 2014, 154 subjects were diagnosed with ovarian tumor. Women who used douching one year before the start of the study had doubled their risk of ovarian cancer, and the link was even stronger among women who had a family history of the disease.

Clarice Veinberg of the Environmental Health Research Institute from South Carolina says that no previous study had discovered this connection. She also says that there’s no reason to use douching, and many against. The vagina cleans itself naturally and squirting anything inside disrupts the natural balance and causes bacterial infections that can damage your reproductive health. However, women aged 15-44 still use the method.

In order to avoid health problems, you should clean the vagina only with warm water and soap, and never use perfumes, gels or lotions which can do more harm than good.