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They Said Hydrogen Peroxide Was Great, But They didn’t tell You This

31.) No more organic stains- anything from sweat, blood, wine and coffee can be cleaned with HP. Mix 1 part dish detergent with two parts HP and apply directly onto stains. Keep in mind that due to the bleaching properties of HP, it can lighten dark fabrics as well.

32.) Neutralizes odors- HP removes unpleasant odors especially from fabrics. Mix white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide and soak fabrics in it. After regular wash afterwards, all odors will fade.

33.) Carpet and rug washer- everything dirty on your carpet or rug can be removed with HP. If you need to lighten up your carper, the HP cleaning method is excellent. Just spray a diluted solution onto the rug or carpet. Then wash it as per usual. It is best to test wash the carpet if you do not want to bleach it on purpose.

34.) Lunchbox disinfector- as a result of stored food, lunchboxes have plenty of bacteria. To clean it, spray it with HP and wipe after several minutes.

35.) Refresh reusable shopping bags- this is really practical if you are a constant shopper and in need of clean bags at all times. Spray HP in and out of the shopping bag and rinse them with water. This will remove all odors and bacteria.

36.) Keep seeds healthy- HP can help you remove fungus from seeds and improve the germination of seeds. Soak seeds in HP before planting- this will do the trick!

37.) Clean humidifier easily- add 1 pint of HP with 1 gallon of water to it. As a natural disinfector, the HP will remove all mildew and mold and keep the humidifier in an excellent shape.

38.) Clean tiles- tiles are known to accumulate plenty of dirt, that can be removed with HP> Spray HP directly on tiles, let it act a little, them wash regularly.

39.) Toilet cleanser- pour 1/2 a cup of HP into the toilet bowl and let it act for half an hour. This is also recommended for disinfecting the toilet completely.

40.) Whitening grout- mix hydrogen peroxide with white flour and apply directly on grout. First, you need to cover grout with paste and let it sit overnight. The following day, clean grout with water and it will be whiter.

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