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The World’s No 1 Food Against Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

Relieve constipation
Soak your dates overnight, and drink the liquid in the morning to “move your intestines.” This liquid acts as a laxative.

Maintain healthy weight
Eat dates in the morning before you eat or drink anything. This will help you lose weight. Dates are rich in sugar, so try not to eat too many of them.

Regulate cholesterol
Dates will put your blood cholesterol under control. They cleanse the blood vessels, and prevent clotting.

Strong heart
Soak a few dates for this one, too. This is our secret for a strong heart.

Regulate blood pressure
If you’re looking for a remedy for your high blood pressure, dates are the real deal for you. They are packed with potassium and magnesium. A serving of 5-6 dates provides about 80mg of magnesium. This mineral stimulates the flow of blood, and you need about 370mg of magnesium to regulate your blood pressure.

Prevent stroke
Potassium in dates is also beneficial for your nervous system. It prevents sudden strokes. Take 400mg of potassium every day to stay safe and healthy.

Source: besthealthpage.com