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The Disturbing Truth About How Baby Carrots Are Made – You’ll Never Eat Them Again!

against fungal disease, and researchers believe that it also stimulates cancer-fighting mechanisms in the body.

Cooking boosts the Health Benefits

Carrots are extremely healthy if consumed raw, but apparently, cooking boosts their nutritional content even more.

A study showed that cooked carrots had higher levels of beta-carotene and phenolic acids than raw carrots, and over the next 4 weeks, the antioxidant activity continued to increase.

Furthermore, the addition of the peels to a carrot puree raised the antioxidant levels.  Also, we recommend keeping the fresh carrots in a sealed plastic bag or a paper towel in the coolest refrigerator part up to 2 weeks.

They might become bitter if placed next to potatoes, pears, and apples, due to the ethylene gas.

Fun Facts

The word carrot comes from the Greek word karoton,” whose first three letters refer to an object with a horn-like shape.

Carrots can be of hundreds of different types, and the United States in the third leading producer in the world, after China and Russia. Most carrots are grown in Michigan, Washington, and California.

The average American consumes over 11 pounds of carrots annually, usually the bright orange variety, while until the 17th or 18th century when the Dutch grew orange carrots, most carrots were yellow, white, and purple!
