To let children try to do things for themselves is good for their development, but it can also be quite difficult to let go sometimes.
When Nicole’s 4 year old daughter Kaya asked if she could go to a McDonald’s bathroom by herself, the mother answered yes. It couldn’t be that dangerous, and she was waiting close by.
Needless to say, she had no idea what was about to happen to her daughter in the bathroom.
Kaya felt she was big enough to go to the bathroom all by herself, without mom’s help.
Nicole agreed and waited outside the restaurant — something she would soon regret.
Just before Kaya entered the bathroom, two teenage girls had stepped out of it, laughing.
Nicole did not reflect much about it, but when she heard her daughter’s screams, she understood that something was seriously wrong.
The two girls who had just gone into the bathroom just before Kaya had spread superglue all over the toilet seat, causing Kaya’s skin to rip from her legs, reports Metro.
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