Home > Just for you > Retired Pharmacy Chief Said: “ The World Needs To Know, Alkaline Water Balances The Body’s pH Level And Reduces Cancer Risk” – This is How To Prepare It!

Retired Pharmacy Chief Said: “ The World Needs To Know, Alkaline Water Balances The Body’s pH Level And Reduces Cancer Risk” – This is How To Prepare It!

Cancer, the deadliest disease nowadays, is a constant threat to all of us. Yet, you probably have already heard about the fact that cancer cells cannot thrive in the alkaline environment. Therefore, the alkaline water we are recommending today is a real natural miracle!

The scale of pH (potential hydrogen) values starts with zero and ends with 14, so 7 is the neutral middle. Substances with values lower than 7 are acidic, while anything above 7 is alkaline.

The tap water we drink contains hormones, chlorine, antibiotics, and various metals, which end up in the system soon after you consume it. This water weakens the immune system and leads to various illnesses.

When the body is acidic, the individual often experiences digestion issues, weight gain, fatigue, low energy levels, and other side- effects.

Yet, if you consume pure water, and consume fresh, organic vegetables, you will maintain a healthy alkaline- acidic balance in the system, and thus all these symptoms will be avoided.

It has been known for centuries that our pH levels in the body are determined by the foods we consume.

Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany won the Nobel Prize in 1931 due to his discovery that up to 95% of all cancers are a result of an acidic environment in the body.

He provided evidence that cancers cannot survive in an alkaline environment, that is if the pH level is 7.36 or above.

He found that acidosis (excess of acidity) is not only linked to the development of cancer, but it actually causes other diseases as well, including heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and almost all other chronic diseases.

Here is how to prepare this alkaline water which is highly recommended by a famous retired pharmacy chief:


  • 1/4 of a ginger root
  • 1/2 a cup of mint leaves
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 a cucumber


Peel the ginger, and then slice it up. Cut all the ingredients in slices and mix them. Pour some water. You can keep adding water to the same ingredients up to 3 days.


You should drink this water every morning on a daily basis. All the ingredients in the water offer numerous health benefits and have potent antibacterial and disinfectant qualities.

Lemon, being the most potent cancer-fighter among them all, contains even 22 anti-cancer properties, and alkalizes the body!

Source: naturalcureshouse.com