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Prevent the Uncontrollable Itching, Redness, and Swelling that Come with a Mosquito Bite by Using This Homemade Mosquito Repellent!

Homemade Mosquito Repellent Recipe


  • Half a cup of vinegar
  • Half a cup of peppermint essential oil
  • Half a cup of vegetable oil


Put all ingredients in a spray bottle and then shake it well. You should use it to spray your house. Plus, you can also spray it on your skin.

Here Are Several Interesting Facts about Mosquitoes:
  • Even though there are nearly 3,500 species of mosquitoes, only a few hundred feed on human blood. Moreover, around 175 of them are present in the United States.
  • The average mosquito is known to weigh 2.5 milligrams.
  • These insects fly about 1-1.5 miles per hour.
  • Researchers have proven that dark clothing attracts certain mosquito species more than lighter colored clothing.
  • Only female mosquitoes bite animals and humans, whereas male mosquitoes feed on flower nectar.

Female mosquitoes typically lay their eggs in shallow water or damp soil, which is susceptible to flooding. So, in order to decrease the mosquito horde, make sure you get rid of any standing water near your house.

Source: www.organichealthcorner.com