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Permanent Skin Whitening Face Mask, Get Milky White Spotless Skin – 100% Results

Lemon is excellent in treating blackheads. It helps to draw excess oil from the skin because it contains vitamin C and citric acids and these ingredients help to lighten and brighten the skin

Rice flour acts as anti-inflammatory agent; it is very helpful in removing sunburn and also prevents the skin from sun tan.

Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing the redness of skin and get rid of acne and pimples. It is a great cleanser and aids in removing excess oil and impurities from pores.

Almond oil has natural vitamins which give the glow to your skin and along with that it keeps your skin soft and fresh for a long time

Orange peel powder contains natural bleaching agents that make skin visible fairer by eliminating dark spots and patches from the skin. It also treats acne and blackheads.