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More and More Women Put Cabbage on Their Breasts and the Reason Will Surely Delight You!

If you are looking for ways to restore the normal function of the thyroid gland, you have to apply some cabbage leaves where the thyroid is located on the throat. Just wrap a shawl or a bandage to secure the leaves and leave it like this during the night. Remove the leaves the following morning.

3. Headaches
If you have an unbearable headache due to stress, eye issues or tiredness you can use fresh cabbage to alleviate it. Just compress some leaves on the temples and forehead and do not leave them to fall. This will help with headaches instantly.

4. Pain Due to Breastfeeding
Now, the main thing we are here for today, how to use cabbage leaves to alleviate breast pain. Just follow the simple procedure and the pain will be gone.

How to Alleviate Breast Pain Procedure
First of all, you have to put a cabbage in the fridge for an hour and peel off the outer layers and just pull two from the inner leaves.

When you do, wash them in cold water. Then, cut the stem and put the leaves on the breasts without covering the nipples.

Just leave the leaves for 20 minutes and remove. Repeat this method until you notice improvement. That is it!

Trust us and try it, the pain will be a thing of the past. You are welcome!