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I Put This in The Corners of My House and The Next Morning All The Cockroaches Were Dead!

Borax and sugar

Borax is definitely a “must” when it comes to eliminating roaches and keeping nasty bugs away from your home.

How does it work?

Borax literally dehydrates the exosceleton of insects, and damages their digestive system. Eventually, bugs die and your home will be bug-free again.

Make your borax bomb even stronger by adding sugar. Roaches are attracted by the sweetness of the sugar which makes it easier for you to trap them.

Combine borax and sugar in a 3:1 ratio.
Spread the mixture alongside affected areas, and don’t forget to wear gloves while doing it.
Next morning, you’ll see the dead roaches lying around, and all you have to do is clean up the mess. Do the same after a few days.

Some like to use baking soda or boric acid instead of borax.

Caution: Avoid using this anti-roach combo if you have small kids or pets.
