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How To Remove Varicose Veins Using The Magic Of Olive Oil

This massage will soothe the inflammation and pain and stimulate blood circulation.

The body will absorb the olive oil and it will detoxify it and provide high amounts of omega 3’s and healthy fats. This will enhance the blood passage through the veins and restore the function of the unidirectional valves, and the effects will be visible very soon.

Furthermore, you will also benefit from the use of the following beneficial alternative therapies, that will fight chronic venous insufficiency:

  • Grape (leaves, sap, seed, and fruit)
  • Horse chestnut
  • Butcher’s broom
  • Sweet clover

Make sure you also follow these tips:

  • Start exercising on a daily basis
  • Control your body weight, and lose excess pounds if needed, to avoid the extra pressure on the veins
  • Every evening elevate the veins and relax for several minutes to improve the blood circulation
  • Avoid sitting or standing for a long time
  • Do not sit with the legs crossed
  • Avoid tight clothes and high heels, and start wearing more comfortable shoes