Sometimes, pills cannot relieve the terrible headache you are suffering from, and when they can, they might also cause various adverse effects.Fortunately, there is a successful, scientifically confirmed, way to treat headaches naturally, and it is known as acupressure. This technique is a kind of a massage, similar to acupuncture and reflex therapy, and the best part is that it can be practiced without any medical knowledge.
All you need to do is to relax in a comfortable position, and gently massage a certain point in a circular motion for about a minute. After 5-10 minutes, the pain will stop.
Yet, to relieve a headache, you need to know these six main points:
Yintang point
This point treats the eye fatigue. It is located between the eyebrows, on the place where the bridge of the nose passes into the forehead.
Zan Zhu points
These points are symmetrical and can be found at the base of the inner edge of the eyebrows. They help in the treatment of visual acuity and a runny nose.
Yingxiang points
The massage of these points treats toothaches, headaches relieves stress and clears the sinuses. They can be found on both sides of the nostrils in line with the eyes.
Just feel a dimple in the bottom of the cheekbones, and you will easily locate them. It helps to open sinuses, reduce your headache and toothache, and relieve stress.
Tian Zhu points
The points can be found in the middle area of the back of the head, between the ear and the beginning of the spine. Massage them to treat eye pain, headaches, migraines, earaches, and nasal congestion.
Shuai gu
You can spot these points if you press 2-3 cm from the beginning of the hairline, in the small dimple in the temple area. Press them to treat eye fatigue and pain in the temporal region.
He gu points
These symmetrical points can help you teat toothaches, back pain, and tension in the muscles of the neck. Their location is on the back of the hand, between the thumb and forefinger.
If you carefully follow the instructions, you will experience improvements very soon after you apply pressure to these points. If you don’t, visit your doctor and check the nature of the health problem.
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