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How To Get a Deep Piriformis Stretch With These 12 Exercises

How To Get a Deep Piriformis Stretch With These 12 Exercises

1. Supine Piriformis Stretches


  • Lie on the back, put the hand on the same side of the knee, and keep the other on the raised level
  • Raise the knee toward the shoulder and then cross the calf across the body
  • Hold for five seconds before releasing
  • Repeat the procedure with the other leg

2. Standing Piriformis Stretch


  • Stand with the back against the wall and then walk the feet forward
  • Place the knees over the ankles and then lower the hips 45 degrees toward the floor
  • Raise the right foot off the floor and place it outside of the ankle on the left knee
  • Lean forward and lower the chest toward the knees
  • Hold for 30-60 seconds
  • Switch legs and repeat

3. Outer Hip Piriformis Stretch


  • Lie on the back with the right knee bent
  • Pull the knee over to the left side using the left hand
  • Hold for a few seconds, repeat three times, and stretch three times daily

4. Long Adductor (Groin) Stretch


  • Sit on the floor and stretch the legs out
  • Tilt forwards at the hips and put the hands next to each other
  • Lean forward and drop the elbows to the floor
  • Hold for a few seconds and then release

5. Short Adductor ( Inner Thigh) Muscle Stretch)


  • Sit on the floor and place the soles of the feet together
  • Apply pressure to the knees using your elbows
  • For deeper stretch, lean forward and keep the back straight
  • Hold the position for half a minute and then release
  • Repeat a few times in a row and stretch three times daily

6. Muscle Energy Technique


  • Lie on the belly and bend one leg
  • Rotate the bent leg outwards as far as possible
  • Apply gentle pressure to the piriformis from side to side for a few seconds

7. Resistance Band Abduction


  • Stand with the end of the band tied around the right ankle and the other attached to a fixed object
  • Move the right leg out to the side
  • Return the leg back to the center
  • Repeat 15 times and work your way up to 2 sets of 20 repetitions

8. Side Lying Clam Exercise


  • Lie on the side with the hip to be stretched on top
  • Bend the knees and place them forward, keeping the feet in line with the spine
  • Raise the top knee away from the bottom one, keeping the ankles together
  • Go back to the original position
  • Repeat 15 times a day

9. Hip Extension Exercise


  • Sit on the floor on all fours with the shoulders over the hands
  • Raise the knee off the floor, keeping the knee bent
  • Lower the leg, repeat 15 times, and work your way up to 2 sets of 20 repetitions

10. Supine Piriformis Side Stretch


  • Lie on the floor, lift the affected leg and put that foot outside the opposite knee
  • Pull the knee of the bent leg across the midline with the opposite hand or a towel
  • Hold for half a minute and then go back to the original position
  • Switch legs and repeat

11. Buttocks Stretch for the Piriformis Muscle


  • Sit on all fours, put the affected foot across the trunk of the body
  • Extend the non-affected leg, keeping the pelvis straight
  • Scoot the hips backwards towards the floor and lean forward
  • Hold the stretch for half a minute, go back to the original position, and do a set of three stretches

12. Seated Stretch


  • Sit on the floor and cross the right leg over the left knee
  • Bend forwards and keep the back straight
  • Hold for a minute and then repeat the procedure on the opposite side

Don’t Overstretch

“A gentle stretch relaxes the muscles, letting them release and grow longer. But too intense a stretch can actually create an inflammatory response…meaning your body is trying to repair damage. Any time you cause pain, you actually cause tissue damage,” warns Best Health Mag.