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Make your kitchen cabinets sparkle like new with these 6+ tips

Your kitchen cabinets are often the most visual part of the room and the first thing guests notice when they walk in, so it’s best to never leave your cabinets looking grungy or dirty.
Instead, keep your cabinets clean, sparkly and looking new. No matter what your cabinets are made of, it’s not that difficult to bring back a fresh look. All you have to do is decide which tips work best for you, then start cleaning!
1. Vinegar 
Vinegar is ideal to have on hand for cleaning, especially if you’re trying to remove grease from a surface — and your kitchen cabinets definitely see their fair share of grease. Mix a 50/50 solution of vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle and spray it on your cabinet doors. Let it sit for a couple of minutes before wiping it off with a clean, soft cloth.

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