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10 Signs That You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

Water is essential to all living things on the planet, and our bodies cannot survive without being properly hydrated. Therefore, the insufficient consumption of water leads to numerous health issues and severe conditions, so it should be treated on time.
Here are the signs that your body sends when you are not drinking enough water:
Changed Color of The Urine
Dehydration is often manifested by the changed color of the urine. If the urine has become darker, or even brown, you should immediately increase the intake of water.
Frequency Of Urination
If you are not urinating for several hours, or you urinate less than 2-3 times daily,  you should drink more water, as you are not probably drinking enough. In this case, the kidneys cannot filter out all waste and toxins from the body.
Dry Skin
The skin needs water in order to be smooth and soft, so a dry skin is a clear sign of a dehydration.
Often, we believe that we are feeling hunger, while we are actually just dehydrated. Our body easily mistakes the thirst for hunger, so as soon as you hydrate the body, the cravings will disappear.

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