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8 Ways to Cure A Toothache (Without the Dentist)

Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
Cleaning between the teeth every day with dental floss
Limiting the consumption of sugary foods and drinks
Visiting the dentist once per year for cleaning and consultation
Provided you are not suffering from any potentially dangerous condition and your pain is relatively moderate, there are many natural ways to treat a toothache without medical intervention.
Here are eight ways to relieve a toothache:
“…it is possible to die from complications from an infected tooth. Every year there are cases where the patient did not receive appropriate and timely treatment of an infected tooth.” – Thomas Porter, faculty member, University of Florida College of Dentistry
Use a cold compress
Toothaches are caused by the disturbance to very sensitive nerves within the tooth. Cold compresses are one of the oldest methods of pain relief for this very reason: they numb the nerves both within and around the affected area. Ice also works by reducing inflammation and constricting the blood vessels.
This latter function effectively lessens the amount of blood flowing through the region, thus dulling pain. For these reasons, cold compresses and ice make for an excellent natural pain-relief option.

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