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7 of the best home remedies to stop vomiting that you should be able to find in the kitchen

2. Fluids. WebMD recommends drinking lots of fluids. The top recommendations are water, clear broths or sports drinks. Caffeinated drinks and sodas should be avoided.
3. Bland foods. If the cause of the nausea is pregnancy or chemotherapy, WebMD recommends eating bland, non-greasy foods that will be easy for your stomach to digest.
4. Small meals. Another trick recommended by Medical News Today for dealing with nausea caused by something other than the flu is eating smaller meals throughout the day rather than three large ones.
5. Acupressure. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, applying pressure to the P6 (located three finger widths below the wrist and between the two tendons) can help relieve nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.
6. Aromatherapy. Although some recommend the use of aromatherapy, specifically lavender, chamomile, peppermint oil, rose, and clove, the U. S. National Library of Medicine states that studies have not shown that it actually works. If you find the smells soothing, though, it definitely can’t hurt.

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