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10 Minutes of This Exercise Can Burn More Calories Than 30 Minutes of Jogging

It’s Versatile
You can literally do this exercise everywhere you want, at home, in the gym, in the garden, on the beach.

Additional tips:

You will need a proper rope, with adequate length, material, and handle, which can be bought from sporting goods stores.
You need shoes with no padding or try jumping barefoot.
Keep the head and the entire body straight, looking ahead, with the knees bent a bit, and the elbows near the body.
Spin the rope with the wrists instead of the arms.
Grip the jump rope handles with the fingers instead of your palms.
The heels should not touch the ground while skipping and use the front of your feet to propel you and to land.
You do not need to jump high, only enough to skip the rope.
As soon as you master it, you can challenge yourself and try crossover, single leg hop, and double turn.