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10 fantastic home remedies for dry skin

5. Humidify. WebMD recommends keeping indoor humidity at 50 percent. If you live in a drier climate, using a humidifier to put moisture back into the air is a good idea.
6. Moisturize. Use a good moisturizer after bathing and throughout the day. Prevention recommends petroleum jelly, mineral oil, creams, and lotions containing shea butter, stearic acid, or glycerin.
7. Smart shaving. WebMD recommends always shaving with a shaving cream or gel and in the direction the hair grows. Avoid using a dull razor as you have to push harder, scraping off your body’s natural oils.
8. Sweeten your skin. Women’s Health Magazine says that raw honey will draw in moisture from the air. It recommends applying one teaspoon of raw honey on the dry area and letting it sit for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off.
9. Moisturize with the “overnight cure.” If you’re feeling really dry, Dr. Glaser of Prevention recommends taking a warm bath before bed and covering yourself in Crisco. Put on your pajamas and sleep, allowing the oil to soak into your skin.
10. Seal in the moisture. For areas that are really chapped, like elbows and heels, Dr. Glaser also recommends putting petroleum jelly or Crisco on just those spots and sealing it in with socks or a long-sleeved shirt.
Too many just accept having dry skin and have given up trying to battle it. With so many easy things to try at home, well-moisturized skin doesn’t have to stay outside your grasp.
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source : remedydaily.com